Monday, May 12, 2008

Ode to my bed

I miss you.
We don't spend enough time together.

I'm sorry I ditched you for my desk chair, but I came back, didn't I? I will always love you. Even when I have to get up in the morning, I will come back.

I forget how nice it is to curl in bed. Why do I wait so long?

Maybe I do need to wind down at night...

Maybe it's because I spend too much time on the internet! Here's a link to some really cool beds! Now to pick which one I want... Click here!!! Make sure to check out the bed made of balls...


Lily Ashbrook said...

Anne dirro. I wuv my bed too. Every night I climb into bed and wonder why I didn't go to bed earlier. I wuvest you.

Hizzeather said...

ha ha I love this post! I write silly poems/songs to about things that I love, like vacuums. :)