Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ombre Nails

This is my version of pink ombre nails. (If you don't know, the term ombre refers to a change of color, either drastically or quickly, but the colors fade into the other.)
This is where I got the idea: http://thebeautydepartment.com/2011/04/oh-hey-ombre/ (thanks, Mandy!)
On another note, does anyone know why these bubbles happened? It happens every now and then, and I can't seem to figure out why.


Melissa said...

PIIIINK. looks very nice. don't know why the bubbles happen. maybe the nailpolish is just acting up getting all burpy.

marie ashbrook said...

I like that - maybe the bubbles are because you used more than one layer?

Lily Eggleston said...

I like.